Bittersweet Life Changes

I have no idea where to start with this one. It's been a few months since my last update (Whoops! But what else is new). I'm going to jump straight into the updates because I really don't feel like wasting your time with my countless excuses.

Worlds came and went in a whirlwind. It was actually a pretty exciting time. I don't get to go to a lot of competitions in locations where English is the primary language so being able to participate and continue my London experience was a nice change from the norm. Again, I was just there for the 4x100 relay, which went OK. We were the only team coming into the competition without any races under our belt. Looking back at it all, I think we did the best we could in the situation we were in. Relays are always difficult in and of themselves, and we put our best foot forward with the chance we were given.

After the championships were over, I headed back to Boston where I got caught up in an endless cycle of working long hours, packing my things, and trying to connect with as many people as I could with my limited time in Boston.

I didn't mention this earlier, mainly because everything was up in the air for such a long time, but I made a huge move during the past few weeks from Boston to Syracuse, NY. I've moved in with my great friend and teammate, Flings, her significant other, Ramon, and our mutual friend, Freddie.

The main reason for the move was simple: the cost of living in Boston just wasn't feasible anymore. In Boston I was constantly worrying about money. Things used to get especially tight in the summer when I wasn't working (due to track), but still had to figure out ways to deal living expenses and rent while I was away. As most of you should know, I'm not sponsored by anyone. I pay my own way for most of the meets I go to and it was only just this past summer that I've been able to find meets that have offered any sort of compensation and prize money.

While this decision came at me suddenly, everything about it seemed to line up perfectly. Flings and Ramon have a home where I can have my own room and stay in an environment that is nothing short of motivational (everyone in the house runs track), I can learn a lot from helping to coach a new set of kids, I can work the same amount (or less), and still manage to have actual savings, and I've gained a training partner that I'll be competing with (and against) year-round.

Knowing things would work out in Syracuse didn't make leaving Boston (or BU) any easier, though. I've spent the last 6 years there, growing and changing into the person I've become now. I've made lifelong friends there and left behind so many when I left. Of course, it's not like I'm halfway across the world. I'll still find time to visit them, and will, of course, compete on BU's indoor track.

Flings and I watching the Championships in London

Goodbye brunch featuring Djenne and Jordan

I think this all just needs some getting used to. And it is slowly happening. I'm getting used to having to drive everywhere now. I'm getting used to a whole new team and situation. Naturally, I'm having tons of FOMO (a.k.a. fear of missing out) as I wonder what's happening back in Boston, but I'm learning to focus on this new setting and catch up with my friends back in Boston when I can.

I'm not even sure how to end this post. As I write this, I've completed my first full week of training here and it's left me feeling extremely optimistic for the future. I plan on sticking here for a few years at least, and I can easily see it becoming a place I can call my second home (the first being with my mom, of course).

How have you been? Have you made any big changes in the last month? 


Gemma Acheampong

Hey, I'm Gemma, a semi-professional runner and blogger living in Boston. Actively Gemma is a fitness/lifestyle blog about my track and field journey, general fitness, travel, and self-improvement; hoping to inspire and encourage you to live a healthier life both inside and out. Learn More / Contact Me.

Life Lately: September
