A Hello and Re-Introduction

reading time: 1 minute

I've seen re-introductions on a few other blogs I follow, and I think it's an awesome idea. It's a chance for new followers and readers to learn some quick tidbits about me and an opportunity for me to do a catch-up for long-time readers who may not feel like perusing the archives to see what they may have missed. 

Now is as good a time as any, especially with the revamp of my blog. If you haven't noticed, I completely overhauled my website. I changed the theme, layout, and pages, and I'm currently updating old posts, redirect posts as needed, and make sure things work as seamlessly as possible. I appreciate the patience as I work through the kinks of it all. 

And truthfully, I'm too tired to even write my usual weekly update. I'm still figuring out this working-full-time-in-an-office thing, so a pause on timely updates for a more general post is definitely needed.

Without further ado, this is me:

Hello - I'm Gemma, and here is my re-introduction.

photo of woman (Gemma) lying in bed with legs covered by fuzzy blanket. She watches her laptop placed on her lap.
photo of woman of color reading Atomic Habits by James Clear in bed.

I'm a recently retired Ghanaian-American track and field Olympian currently learning to adapt and grow into some major career and life changes.

Work: I work in Marketing and Communications; mainly as a web content project manager

Live: the suburbs of Massachusetts, United States.

Play: Still trying to find my perfect exercise match now that I'm retired from track and field, but so far, I dabble in weightlifting, general bodybuilding exercises, and working my way into yoga.

Watch: Kdramas, Korean and Asian movies in general, lots of YouTube, and Twitch streams.

Listen: A random assortment of music, (mostly) Australian comedy podcasts, and aesthetic Youtube vlogs that play as my background music to life.



Welcome to everyone just finding me, and thanks for coming back and all the support for those returning.

You can also find me around on most socials, as well as YouTube and Bloglovin. Iā€™m still figuring out a balance in content for everything, so follow and stay tuned for more.

Gemma Acheampong

Hey, I'm Gemma, a semi-professional runner and blogger living in Boston. Actively Gemma is a fitness/lifestyle blog about my track and field journey, general fitness, travel, and self-improvement; hoping to inspire and encourage you to live a healthier life both inside and out. Learn More / Contact Me.


Vlog | This is 30


Life Lately | September 2021