Experimentation and Growth / Snapshots 01

This past month has been a different type of stressful. Training has ramped up and I find myself taking more time to rest or to get my bearings after the particularly hard workouts. Every few weeks I think to myself, this is the hardest workout I’ve ever done. Then a new cycle will start, and I’ll think that old workout was a breeze compared to this one. Maybe that says something about my growing fitness level. I’m hoping it does, at least.

I’ve also been having trouble getting my sleep pattern under control. I find myself struggling to fall asleep at night and then taking long naps during the day to make up for it, I’m sure the napping isn’t really helping the sleep matter, but it’s so difficult to stay awake all day. I’ve been looking into melatonin, so I think I might give that a try during Christmas break.

Other than that, things have been pretty monotonous. Still working on cementing better habits and routines. Here are just some snaps from the past week that I thought I wanted to share.

It’s been snowing on and off for a while now. We haven’t gotten much snow this year (compared to last year), but winter hasn’t even started yet, so we’ll see how long that lasts.

I started this book in March, got to chapter 3, and then promptly forgot about it. I finally picked it up and finished it the other day. It was just OK. I find self-help books to be hit-or-miss for me. The personal anecdotes and actionable items made it a quick read, and I love the quotes she chose to include.

I’ve definitely come away with things I’ll try implementing in my life and with a better idea of who I am, who I want to be, and what I’ll need to do to get there.

HelloFresh had an amazing Black Friday offer, so I caved and decided to give it a try. It just seemed too good a deal to pass up, especially since I’ve been wanting to try one of these meal delivery plans for years now.

I have mixed feelings about it. I didn’t like the taste of the Ground Beef Bulgogi Bowl at all (pictured), but I absolutely loved the Saucy Thyme Steak. I like not having to think about what I’m having for dinner, but it’s a little annoying cooking every other night. I’m used to cooking one huge meal on Sunday/Wednesday and eating leftovers the rest of the time. The portion sizes are also on the small end. It’s probably what the ideal should be for the average person, but I find myself eating more because I’m a hungry athlete. It’s also weird having barely any leftovers. I chose the 3-meals/week option because I figured I’d have dinner one night and the leftovers the next night, but it didn’t work out that way, so I found myself scrounging for meals that I hadn’t planned on needing.

The Black Friday deal was $20 off and free shipping for the first 4 deliveries, so I’ll probably stick with the plan until it runs out. I really don’t think it’s worth the full price if you’re used to cooking for yourself, but I can see how the convenience can be worth it for others. I’ll definitely check their recipe archives every now and then when I’m running low on meal ideas, though.

If you’re looking to give it a try, you can get $40 off your first order by clicking here (not sponsored). If you’ve tried one of these services before, what did you think of it? I’m interested to hear what makes people stick with them.

We finally got our Christmas tree up! This is the second year my roommates have gotten a real tree, which is nice, I guess. I grew up with a fake tree, so I have huge nostalgia and love for them. I just feel that real trees take so much effort compared to fake ones. Maybe it’s all about your experience growing up? Either way, it’s nice to have a tree up. It really makes you feel that Christmas cheer.

Gemma Acheampong

Hey, I'm Gemma, a semi-professional runner and blogger living in Boston. Actively Gemma is a fitness/lifestyle blog about my track and field journey, general fitness, travel, and self-improvement; hoping to inspire and encourage you to live a healthier life both inside and out. Learn More / Contact Me.


The Gift Of Giving / Snapshots 02


The Catch Up