A Return to Old Habits | Week 34



This week features a return to weekly blog updates. No promises, but I want to try and encourage myself to create more consistency with my writing. My writing ebbs and flows. Sometimes I’ll write pages per day and other times I won’t touch my notebook or blog for months. The constant failure can be disheartening. But it feels good to know it doesn’t make me feel bad enough to stop trying altogether.


Overcoming The Job Hunting Woes

The job hunt continues. I’m trying to keep on top of my job-hunting every week. In the past, when I was focused on freelancing, I tended to apply to as many jobs as possible. This resulted in my resume and applications being more generic. Which had some results. I landed a few gigs, but they weren’t long-lasting or super fulfilling roles.

Now, I’m on the hunt for a workplace I can stay at long-term. I want to take part in that fun company culture everyone is always talking about and have room to learn, grow, and be creative.

So, I slowed my process down. I’m pickier about the jobs I apply to and taking more time to tailor my resume, application, and cover letters for each one. I get more interviews and responses than before. Unfortunately, the rejection rate hasn’t changed much. And they sting a bit more because I spend more time and care more about each application.

It’s funny, although I’ve read a ton of articles, guides, and templates about how to get your “dream job”, very few address how depressing and bleak it can be to get rejected countless times. Maybe I’ll write something more detailed about it. What’s worked for me so far is allowing myself time away from job hunting.

This discourse around unemployment often focuses on people not “trying hard enough” to find a job. Finding a job (in the industry I want and with the culture I want) is hard. We’re supposed to feel “guilty” for not spending every waking minute doing something to get said job. The best solution I’ve found to combat the job blues is to take a break. It can be a few hours, a day, or even a week or two. It’s allowing myself room and space to take a breather and regain some confidence. It’s forgiving myself for not being that person who can grind and hustle constantly and come out unscathed.

Finding a job can be a job in and of itself. Acknowledging that and knowing that it’s okay to feel run down and burnt out during the search would be my first and maybe most important tip I’d give to anyone looking for a job.


A Website Overhaul

I’m slowly re-working my site. Changing the layout, changing the color scheme, and updating my pages to reflect the changes I’m making in myself. So, be aware that there might be some janky links or spots on the site as those changes happen.

I’m still figuring out what direction I’m trying to go with everything, but my hope is this site becomes easier to discover who I am and find more blog posts that might interest people.


What Caught My Attention This Week

I started an SEO Specialization on Coursera a couple of weeks ago. I admit I started it as a way to take a break from job hunting without feeling “unproductive”, but I’m enjoying it so far. I’m making quick progress and it feels good to refresh some skills that I can use for both personal and professional work.

I wrote this post on adjusting to life as a retired professional athlete.

Hugh Jackman is listening to something and somehow I can relate,

How was your week?


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Gemma Acheampong

Hey, I'm Gemma, a semi-professional runner and blogger living in Boston. Actively Gemma is a fitness/lifestyle blog about my track and field journey, general fitness, travel, and self-improvement; hoping to inspire and encourage you to live a healthier life both inside and out. Learn More / Contact Me.


Website Updates and SEO Reviews | Week 35


Finding my Footing